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/* http://native-code.blogspot.com */ #include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 20 int f,r,q[MAX]; int isempty(); int isfull(); int del(); void insert(int); void display(); void main() { int k,ch,d; k=ch=d=0; f=-1;r=-1; while(1) { printf("/* http://native-code.blogspot.com */"); printf("\n\n1: Insert\n2: Delete\n3: Display\n4: EXIT\n"); scanf("%d", &ch); switch(ch) { case 1: if(isfull()==0) { printf("Enter element:\n"); scanf("%d", &k); insert(k); } else printf("Overflow\n"); break; case 2: if(isempty()==0) { d=del(); printf("Deleted number is: %d\n",d); } else printf("Underflow\n"); break; case 3: display(); printf("\n"); break; case 4: exit(0); default: printf("Wrong choice.\n"); } } } void insert(int k) { if(isempty()) r=f=0; else r++; q[r]=k; } int del() { int temp; temp=q[f++]; if(f>r) f=r=-1; return(temp); } int isfull() { if(r==(MAX-1)) return(1); else return(0); } int isempty() { if(f==-1 && r==-1) return(1); else return(0); } void display() { int i; for(i=f; i<=r; i++) printf("%d ", q[i]); } /* http://native-code.blogspot.com */
Try this code in your computer for better understanding. Enjoy the code. If you have any Question you can contact us or mail us
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