/* http://native-code.blogspot.com */ #include<iostream.h> #include<conio.h> #define MAX 20 class arr { int a[MAX]; int n; public: arr(){} arr(int*, int); void BubbleSort(); void display(); }; void arr::BubbleSort() { int i, j, t; i=j=t=0; for(i=0; i<this->n; i++) { for(j=i+1; j<this->n; j++) { if(a[i]>a[j]) { t=a[i]; a[i]=a[j]; a[j]=t; } } } } void arr::display() { int i; for(i=0; i<this->n; i++) { cout<<"/* http://native-code.blogspot.com */"; cout<<" "<<this->a[i]; } } arr::arr(int a[], int n) { int i; this->n=n; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { this->a[i]=a[i]; } } int main() { clrscr(); int a[MAX]; int n, i; arr ob; n=i=0; cout<<"\n/* http://native-code.blogspot.com */"; cout<<"\nEnter limit: "; cin>>n; cout<<"/* http://native-code.blogspot.com */"; cout<<"\nEnter elements:\n"; for(i=0; i<n; i++) { cin>>a[i]; } ob=arr(a, n); cout<<"/* http://native-code.blogspot.com */"; cout<<"\nbefore sorting: "; ob.display(); ob.BubbleSort(); cout<<"\n"; cout<<"/* http://native-code.blogspot.com */"; cout<<"\nafter sorting: "; ob.display(); getch(); return(0); } /* http://native-code.blogspot.com */
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