F How to show Internal Table last record using inline in SAP ABAP | CodeTheta

How to show Internal Table last record using inline in SAP ABAP

February 08, 2022

Code :

typesBEGIN OF ty_str,
        id  TYPE i,
        name TYPE char20,
        address TYPE char100,
       END OF ty_str.

      wa_str TYPE ty_str.

wa_str-id '1'.
wa_str-name 'prasun'.
wa_str-address 'kolkata'.
APPEND wa_str to it_str.

wa_str-id '2'.
wa_str-name 'kalyan'.
wa_str-address 'delhi'.
APPEND wa_str to it_str.

wa_str-id '3'.
wa_str-name 'rita'.
wa_str-address 'Mumbai'.
APPEND wa_str to it_str.

wa_str-id '4'.
wa_str-name 'suman'.
wa_str-address 'pune'.
APPEND wa_str to it_str.

wa_str it_str[ linesit_str ].
write:/ wa_str-id,

Output :

IDE Used To Test This Code : SAP GUI.

Try this code in your computer for better understanding. Enjoy the code. If you have any Question you can contact us or mail us.We will reply you as soon as possible.

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